Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Current Event #3

Title:  Dr. Beverly Emory Named New WS/Forsyth County Superintendent
Newspaper:  myfox8.com
March 26, 2013

Dr. Emory New Superintendent

Who:  Dr. Beverly Emory

What:  Dr. Emory has been chosen to be the new superintendent.

When:  July 1st is when Emory will start her new position.

Where:  Winston Salem and Forsyth County Schools

Why or How:  When the current superintendent retires on June 30th, Emory was the one the chosen to take his position as the superintendent.

Dr. Beverly Emory is currently the superintendent of Pitt County Schools, but she applied for a job as the superintendent of Winston Salem and Forsyth County Schools.  The Board of Education voted and they unanimously decided on Emory to be the next superintendent.  She had the experience and the right attitude that they were looking for.  She now has a four year contract and makes $190,000 annually.   She's eager and ready to start her new position July 1st.

How My Week Went

Well last week I missed two days because I am still having really bad headaches, but when I was there I was pretty bored honestly.  I mean all they do is play with toys and the teacher aids tell me to let them play by themselves because they are trying to teach them independence.  I can understand where they are coming from but I just get really bored, and I don't find it as fun as I thought it would be.  It has made me realize that I do not want to be a teacher when I grow up, all the teachers I've talked to at Oakwood just complain about how much they don't want to be there.  If it's anything like what teacher cadet has been, then I don't want teaching to be my profession.  I don't want to talk bad about the teachers, because they really do help the children.  I just wish I could come at a different time, because when I go now there is no teaching at all.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Current Event #2

Title:  School Prayers Challenged in Stokes County
Newspaper:  MyFOX8.com
Date:  March 13, 2013

Prayers in School

Who:  Advocacy group

What:  The advocacy group believes that Stokes County schools have been “unlawfully promoting religion, promoting Christianity, forcing students to listen to religious speeches or prayers at school ceremonies."  

When:  January 2012

Where:  Stokes County NC

Why or How:  The chairman of Stokes County Board of Education believes he has done nothing wrong and will not make any changes.

The advocacy group believes that Stokes County schools have been forcing religion on some student and staff members.   The schools pray at every school board meeting and graduation ceremonies.  The head chairman does not believe that anything is wrong with praying before these special events,  but the advocacy totally disagrees.  The group has already changed one county, so maybe they will change Stokes County as well?

First Week Jitters!

I was very nervous my first day back.  I already know the students from last semester, but I didn't know if they would remember me or how it would go.  They were sweet as usual and welcomed me back with smiling faces and many hugs.  That definitely made me feel better about being there.  As soon as I walked in they all tried to grab me so I could help them with a puzzle or whatever they were working on.  I feel in love with this new kid that I had never met before.  His name is Zion, and he doesn't talk; he just smiles about everything.  I was nervous for about the first ten minutes, but then I was fine.  Even if they are four, they know exactly how to make you feel welcome.

The Biggest Problem in Education???

I believe that the biggest problem that we face in education is the lack of funding.  I know that in my school, we use a lot of money for unnecessary items.  We bought a flat screen television to put in the cafeteria that I have seen turned on maybe twice in the past two years.  I believe that our administrators need to really consider what they buy first.  We could have used that money to go towards a field trip that would be very helpful in a difficult AP class, or for advanced technology in our AG classes.  I had a teacher my freshman year, and no one understood what she was teaching at all.  She had a meeting with the principal and asked if she could donate some money because she saw something in a magazine that she thought would help our class understand better.  Well the principal said we didn't have the money, so my teacher paid for it out of pocket.  All that I know is everyone passed the test with high scores.

Current Event #1

Title:  Group Wants to End Sale of Candy, Cookies at Wake County School Fundraisers
Newspaper:  MyFOX8.com
Date:  March 5, 2013

End Sales of Candy

Who:  The School Health Advisory Council

What:  They want to ban all unhealthy foods from school fundraisers during school and out of school including concession stands for sports.

Where:  Wake County NC Schools

When:  March 4, 2013

Why or How:  They are banning schools from having unhealthy foods at fundraisers.  They made it to where the fundraiser has to have two healthy foods and drinks to serve to their guests.

The School Health Advisory Council made the decision to make healthier food choices for their students.  In Wake County, students are not allowed to sell unhealthy snacks as fundraisers not even at a concession stand.  This is a health issue that should be pushed a lot more in other counties.  They may not make a lot of profit at the concession stand, but at least they will have healthy athletes.


Inspiration is what motivates you to do the things that you do.  It can come in many different ways, someone can be a positive influence on you, or you can work really hard for a material item.  My brother is a youth pastor now, but he use to be just normal teenager.  He would always influence me to do the wrong things, and of course I would fall in with peer pressure.  Now that he is a youth pastor, he inspires me to do the right thing and be the best person I can be.  I believe that the people that inspires us the most are the ones that we are really close too.  My mom and brother are probably the two people that I will listen too and learn by their example.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Useful Links

It's good to look at if you need to research a topic.

It tells you what you need to teach for each course.

Useful to stay connected with your school.

Favorite Quotes

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life."
-Albert Camus

We can create our own happiness.  No matter what is going on in life we can always look at the bright side of things, and continue to stay happy.

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."
-Aristotle Onassis

Always look at the bright side of things.  Never focus on the negative!

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm possible"!
-Audrey Hepburn

We can do all things that we set our mind too!


My favorite basketball team is Carolina, I hate Duke with a passion!  My favorite music is country, I could listen to it all day long.  My favorite singer is Luke Bryan and Carrie Underwood. I love to eat mexican food. I like to travel and see the world!  I love New York City.  I love sweatpants and a hoodie.  My favorite sport is softball and my favorite animal is a zebra and my favorite color is pink. My favorite family member is my dog, because he never complains about anything I do and he is always there to listen to me vent.  Ice cream is by far my favorite dessert, I could eat it all day long!!  School is my least favorite place to be, I would have to say I love spending time with my grandpa that is probably my favorite place to be.

When I Grow Up

When I was a little girl I looked up to my aunt a lot and wanted to be a physical therapist just like her.  Throughout the years my opinion has not changed and I still want to be one.  I thought I was going to maybe change my mind and decided to take teacher cadet to get a better feeling of the field but in taking this program I have seen being a teacher is not what I want to do.  I cannot handle all the little screaming kids, every single day for the rest of my life.  While I've been recovering from my car accident, I've had a lot of time to think and I have decided that I want to help people the way I have been helped.  Many doctors and therapists have helped me so much more than I can imagine, not only physically but mentally.  If I just needed someone to vent too my doctor was there for me.  If it wasn't for them, I think I would be a much different person right now.  So I want to be able to help my patient recover to their maximum ability, to be just like they were before there accident.

About Me

Heyyy, my name is Jamie Woods, I'm a senior at Bartlett Yancey High School.  I'm so excited to graduate and become a physical therapist and get my CNA license.  I love softball and have been playing since I could walk.  I also used to play volleyball but then became more focused on softball.  My favorite color is pink and I love zebra, my whole room is pink and zebra.  Food is my best friend.  I love to spend time with my family most of the time, even if they do drive me insane!  I am starting to play slow pitch softball, since my doctor said fast pitch is out of the question.  I have been trying to exercise more and start eating healthier but that is not working out too well for me.