Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Current Event #2

Title:  School Prayers Challenged in Stokes County
Date:  March 13, 2013

Prayers in School

Who:  Advocacy group

What:  The advocacy group believes that Stokes County schools have been “unlawfully promoting religion, promoting Christianity, forcing students to listen to religious speeches or prayers at school ceremonies."  

When:  January 2012

Where:  Stokes County NC

Why or How:  The chairman of Stokes County Board of Education believes he has done nothing wrong and will not make any changes.

The advocacy group believes that Stokes County schools have been forcing religion on some student and staff members.   The schools pray at every school board meeting and graduation ceremonies.  The head chairman does not believe that anything is wrong with praying before these special events,  but the advocacy totally disagrees.  The group has already changed one county, so maybe they will change Stokes County as well?

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