Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Current Event #1

Title:  Group Wants to End Sale of Candy, Cookies at Wake County School Fundraisers
Date:  March 5, 2013

End Sales of Candy

Who:  The School Health Advisory Council

What:  They want to ban all unhealthy foods from school fundraisers during school and out of school including concession stands for sports.

Where:  Wake County NC Schools

When:  March 4, 2013

Why or How:  They are banning schools from having unhealthy foods at fundraisers.  They made it to where the fundraiser has to have two healthy foods and drinks to serve to their guests.

The School Health Advisory Council made the decision to make healthier food choices for their students.  In Wake County, students are not allowed to sell unhealthy snacks as fundraisers not even at a concession stand.  This is a health issue that should be pushed a lot more in other counties.  They may not make a lot of profit at the concession stand, but at least they will have healthy athletes.

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